In celebration of our tenth anniversary, Pittsburgh Wine Festival, have teamed up with WINEPICKS to create a rich, interactive consumer experience. The Festival, with over 160 vendors pouring over 500 different wines, provides a unique opportunity but one that can be daunting for even the most experienced wine enthusiast. Questions like the following are common place: Can anybody help me make sense of this? How should I navigate the event? What should I try? What would I like? What can I buy from the on-premises store that fits my budget and taste?
Our plan is to provide you with a valuable set of free tools allowing you to personalize the experience so that you walk away contented. These will include a virtual catalog, the ability to “follow” some local experts, the opportunity to rate wines and create a personal taste profile, the creation of a journal to capture the experience and the chance to receive customized recommendations at the on-premises store.
On April 16th, we will be releasing the virtual catalog for your perusal. In the meantime, if you would like to get a jump on things, we encourage you to visit to set up a free account and start enjoying personalized recommendations from any of the 610 Fine Wines &Good; Spirits stores across Pennsylvania.
The Pittsburgh Wine Festival | 1 Riverfront Center, 20 Stanwix Street, 9th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 USA | 412-281-2681